Approved Professional Development Activities


Professional Development Activity  Provider  Allocated Hours   Ag Industry Public/internal activity  Link to Details 
 Six Easy Steps online & face to face  SRA  7hrs  Sugarcane  Public  Online Sugarcane Nutrient Management program - Sugar Research Australia
 Registered Soil Practitioner – Soil Management  SSA  12hrs  All  Public  Registered Soil Practitioner - Soil Management Accreditation - Soil Science Australia
 Managing soil carbon webinar series  Fertilizer Australia  1 hr / video  All  Public  Managing Soil Carbon Under the Diverse Conditions in Europe and Australia (
 N emissions webinar series  Fertilizer Australia  1 hr / video  All  Public  Reducing emissions associated with the production and usage of nitrogenous fertilisers (
 Securing access to nitrogen for food production, a GHG perspective - R. Norton  GRDC Advisor Workshops  1 hr  Grains  Public  Upcoming Updates and events - GRDC
 Manganese - Nigel Wilhelm from SARDI  Nutrien Ag Solutions  1 hr  Grains & Pasture  Nutrien Ag Solutions staff  Contact Rob Alderman
 N Budgeting  Nutrien Ag Solutions  1 hr  Grains  Nutrien Ag Solutions staff  Contact Rob Alderman
 Fertcare Soil Sampling Guide  NSW DPI - SNOK & Fertilizer Australia  1 hr  All  Public  Soil Sampling (
 Fertcare Plant Sampling Guide  NSW DPI - SNOK & Fertilizer Australia  1 hr  All  Public  Plant Sampling (
Soil Network of Knowledge webinar on phosphorus buffering index  NSW DPI - Simon Clarendon  1 hr  All  Public

More approved activities will be added to the list. If you have approved activity suggestions, please let us know.